Understanding your unique child

Unique child

Have there ever been times when you have looked at your child and just felt so different from them? Asking why you are so unique from your child? Writer and Psychiatrist, Andrew Solomon, has recognised the commonality of these feelings, amongst parents and families, in his book ‘Far From the Tree’ and discusses how negotiating … Read more

How to help your child succeed at school

Success at school

In the high-pressure, high-stakes game of school it can be difficult to know which parenting strategies really promote learning. A successful experience in school is not only about report cards. Ideally, your child will learn how to learn, retain information, think independently, ask questions and develop an increasing sense of competence. Here are some guidelines … Read more

Why Chess Tournaments are good for Remedial Learners

Pupils at Japari playing chess

On the 3rd of August 2022, Japari held a chess tournament between their pupils, and they loved it. Every year, a chess tournament is held at Japari to improve young minds’ concentration, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Chess specifically helps remedial learners improve in academics and fundamental aspects of life. These are just some of the … Read more

6 Benefits of Music Education in Childhood 

Music at Japari school

Music and arts are often overlooked in developing a pupil’s education. Core subjects like Math, English and Science are focused on in an increasingly technological world.  We agree that these subjects are important, but music and arts are equally important in childhood development. Music filters down into every other academic subject. Music positively impacts a … Read more

What is Cogmed, and how can it help my remedial child?

Grade 5 pupil learning Cogmed

Cogmed is a working-memory training software programme usually used together with therapy for ADHD, dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Working memory helps individuals remember instructions, solve problems, control impulses, and focus attention. Cogmed is designed to build up that active memory muscle in anyone who struggles to remember information or hold a task in mind. … Read more

Why is Physical Education so important?

Girl kicking ball in PE at Japari school

It is no secret that sport and physical education is necessary for pupils’ overall well-being. The benefits of physical education in schools are great for pupils’ physical health and academic performance.  Physical education is more than just running around the field or kicking a ball. It teaches pupils essential life skills of discipline, teamwork, patience … Read more

How do place value cards develop pupils’ Mathematics?

Japari pupil using place value cards

Learning math is about understanding numbers, patterns and problem-solving. Pupils develop these essential skills at school and with the help of their parents at home.  Math is an integral part of learning for pupils in the early years because it provides vital life skills. Math helps pupils solve problems, measure and develop their spatial awareness, … Read more

How do audiblox exercises aid learning difficulties

Audiblox exercises are designed to overcome learning challenges. Introduced in 1970, schools worldwide have used this to improve their student’s cognitive memory skills.  Audiblox is an excellent example of enhancing memory skills. Studies have stated that weak underlying cognitive skills, including concentration, perception, memory and logical thinking, account for most learning difficulties.  Specific cognitive exercises … Read more

