Remedial learning and Cogmed have demonstrated amazing results in improving the memory function of young learners. This article will explain all you need to know with amazing resources for further reading.
Memory and learning are integral to each other. While you are learning, you are making new memories. There is another way of expressing it: a recognised definition of learning is gaining a new skill and/or knowledge. Memory has to do with how you express what you have learned.
If someone has problems remembering, it makes learning that much more difficult. If it is possible to have better memory, learning can also improve.
Two Types of Memory Related to Learning
There are various types of memory. This article is going to focus on two types: long-term memory and working memory. These are the two most applicable parts of memory when it comes to learning.
Long-term memory includes every memory that we have stored in our minds. It is the vast amount of information that each of us has accumulated over our lifetimes.
Working memory is a very widely-used term in psychology. Some even label it as one of the most prevalent terms in the field. It describes the small amount of information we use every time we execute a particular task. It includes the details we keep in mind while doing something like a maths problem, or while we write a birthday card for a friend.
It seems that working memory is tied to the activation of neurons in the brain. Neurons are responsible for transmitting information and signals throughout the brain so that each person can process information and sensory input. It has been observed that certain neurons become persistently active in the prefrontal cortex when we engage in the types of activities that require us to use working memory. These activities include remembering a phone number, a sequence of instructions, or what you need to buy at the shops.
The degree to which a person’s working memory functions well has been tied to the measurement of intelligence. It has also been shown to have an impact on how well a student performs at school.
Memory Issues and Their Effect on the Remedial Learner
When working memory does not function as it should, learning suffers. There is a connection between bad memory and the need for remedial help in learning. It is established that impaired memory is what can lead to learning difficulties. This relationship is not yet fully understood, but it seems that memory problems are associated with a range of neurodevelopmental diversities.
For students that have deficits in their working memory, this becomes a huge obstacle to learning. This is because we need our working memory to be functioning properly to complete the learning tasks that we engage in. For the exercises used to teach us to be effective, working memory must be at least adequate in its function.
When a student has a diminished working memory, there are consequences. This will make it difficult for a learner to follow directions. In speaking and writing, it is imperative to organise thoughts to deliver the right response in any communication. When working memory is reduced, this becomes very difficult without effective help. Multi-step procedures become almost insurmountable. And it is next to impossible to quickly process information.
If working memory is easily overloaded, or if distractions occur, we are unable to learn. Studies have established what happens when a distraction occurs. On average, a single distraction can cause the loss of over 23 minutes of studying and work time. This is how long it takes to get back on track with the task at hand. Working memory is essential for effective learning.
Long-term memory is also important for learning. If a student needs to relearn previous work in each lesson, their progress will be severely hampered. They also might feel as if they cannot learn new information or tasks.
When a student has these and other memory issues, it leads to feelings of insecurity. They might also experience inner thoughts of inadequacy. Many of these students feel as if they are incompetent. Some even believe that they are unable to learn.
All of the above shows why a remedial student needs a proudly remedial environment to learn most effectively. It takes special skills to teach children whose memory does not function as usual. Experts in remedial education can teach learners in such a way that they make steady progress. Remedial teaching can minimise the deficits in learning that stem from poor working and long-term memory.
Remedial Learning and Cogmed – The Benefits of Cogmed for Working Memory
Japari is proud to be a remedial school. Our excellent teaching staff members are equipped to help students that do not flourish in a mainstream schooling environment. We in turn equip children to thrive in even mainstream high school classrooms. We are also constantly following developments in remedial education that can assist our students.
Cogmed is one of the tools that has proven to be an incredible help for memory. It was developed by a Swedish professor of neuroscience named Torkel Klingberg.
Cogmed is a software program that helps in memory training. It is demonstrably effective for remedial students. This is even more true when used in conjunction with therapy for learning difficulties. It is easy to use and has been shown to yield positive results for participants.
Many studies have been done on the effectiveness of Cogmed. They have found that it does produce improvements in working memory for the majority of participants. The program does assist children with their mathematical results as well. The programme improves students’ confidence and self-esteem. This is particularly true of those who have been diagnosed with ADHD.
How does Cogmed work?
Cogmed aims to build on working skills. It improves and enhances working memory. It tests and challenges both verbal and visual working memory.
The programme runs for five weeks. The programme utilises exercises that are fun and engaging. These follow a video-game-like experience. There are 40 training sessions, each 25 minutes long. Students at Japari making use of Cogmed will complete a half-hourly session each day for 5 days a week. This will be done under teacher supervision. Participants complete about eight tasks each session.
The system responds to the answers the participants give. Incorrect answers will mean that the game’s difficulty decreases. This is done to avoid learners becoming frustrated and discouraged. As correct answers are given, the programme increases in difficulty, challenging the student to improve.
Stars are given as rewards for each level completed. At the end of the day, stars are added up. This motivates the pupils to build up their collection of stars in the game.
At the end of five weeks, the programme grants students’ access to a virtual world that they can design themselves. This allows them to explore their imaginations and creativity.

Japari is a remedial school proud to be teaching remedial learners in an effective and lasting manner
Cogmed is just one of the ways that we are helping remedial learners excel at schooling.
If you have a child that needs additional help to flourish at school, contact us today. We are always happy to meet new parents and accept enrolments throughout the year, and are zealous to see your child excel at school. This is our passion.
Set up an appointment to come and see our facilities and ask any questions you might have.
Bibliography/Further reading: