Neurodiversity in South Africa

Neurodiversity in South Africa

As a parent, it can be incredibly challenging to watch your child struggle with academics and social interactions. For parents of remedial children in South Africa, this struggle can be compounded by the lack of understanding and support for neurodiversity. Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in human brains and the different ways in which … Read more

Remedial Learning and Cogmed – A Solution to Challenges in Memory Function

Remedial Learning and Cogmed

Remedial learning and Cogmed have demonstrated amazing results in improving the memory function of young learners. This article will explain all you need to know with amazing resources for further reading. Memory and learning are integral to each other. While you are learning, you are making new memories. There is another way of expressing it: … Read more

Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style: A Guide for Parents

Learning at Japari school foundation phase

Every child has a unique way of processing and understanding information. Recognising and understanding your child’s learning style can be a game-changer in their educational journey.  Knowing your child’s dominant learning style can help them learn effectively and lead to better results. It also allows you to pinpoint specific strengths and weaknesses in your child’s … Read more

Choosing the Right Remedial School for Your Child in South Africa

Occupational therapy

Every parent wants to make the right choice when providing the best education for their children. Finding the right school can be even more important for children facing learning difficulties or educational barriers.  In South Africa, several remedial schools cater to the unique needs of pupils with learning challenges. This comprehensive guide will explore the … Read more

Grade 6 Maths Milestones for Strong Minds!

Grade 6 Maths Milestones

What are the Grade 6 Maths milestones your children should reach in this important year of primary schooling? By the time your child is in Grade 6, they will have a grasp of the functions of Maths. In Grade 6, their grasp of these will be deepened and expanded. Mental Maths will be strengthened. Numbers, operations, and … Read more

Auditory Processing Disorder – What It Is and How Remedial Schooling Can Help

Auditory Processing Disorder

Does your child have Auditory Processing Disorder? We can help. Since 1966, Japari’s passion has been to help students that have remedial needs. We are also eager to broaden awareness of barriers to learning. We want to dispel incorrect information about various conditions which can affect how a child learns. For these students their intelligence … Read more

Learning through Play: Activities for Your Child During School Breaks

learning through play

Finding ways to keep your child engaged and entertained during school breaks can be challenging for a parent. While relaxation and downtime are essential, keeping your child’s brain active and encouraging learning through play is crucial.  Having a week or three of uninterrupted time with your children will give you an excellent opportunity to observe … Read more

